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Old 08-12-2016, 05:00 AM   #10
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Originally Posted by detbuch View Post
Do you realize what you're saying here? If the "vast majority" sees the comment as metaphorical rather that literal, what on earth is the beef?

BTW, in my opinion, the vast majority doesn't "see" things that the really "smart" analysts do until the really "smart" analysts point out the subtle (agenda driven) nuances that can be detected in "Conservative" comments and the really "smart" media spread the word. Then the "vast majority" gets their light bulbs turned on and, oh yeah, that must be what the comment means. And I think that it's the "vast majority" is wishful thinking.
next f up "I meant that Obama founded ISIS, literally" Not their policy's or actions lead to the development of issis..

Trump was asked by host Hugh Hewitt about the comments Trump made Wednesday night in Florida, and Hewitt said he understood Trump to mean "that he (Obama) created the vacuum, he lost the peace."
Trump objected.

"No, I meant he's the founder of ISIS," Trump said. "I do. He was the most valuable player. I give him the most valuable player award. I give her, too, by the way, Hillary Clinton."

Hewitt pushed back again, saying that Obama is "not sympathetic" to ISIS and "hates" and is "trying to kill them."
"I don't care," Trump said,

I am amazed of the level of support here for this embarrassment and possible Face of America again fact need not apply.. at what point to you take responsibility for your Choice and stop playing the victim you guys are running out of Main stream media excuse.. ( shocking another conspiracy theory )

60.13% Percentage of Donald Trump claims that have been rated False or Pants on Fire.

2.53% Percentage of Donald Trump claims rated True since he started his campaign.

13.33% of claims made by Hillary Clinton rated False or Pants on Fire.

13.33% Percentage of claims made by Hillary Clinton rated True during the 2016 campaign.
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