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Old 08-19-2016, 07:48 AM   #36
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Originally Posted by detbuch View Post
Since income inequality has always existed, and since there is no actual magic distribution number--maybe it's higher, maybe its lower, but maybe this following quote by you will explain the importance of the present income inequality:

"not my quote but sum's it up nicely
I l[i]ve in the real world ...and things are great...economy moving forward, gas is 1.99 where i live, lost a lot of money in the stock market and value of my house...they both bounced back now.."

And the rest of that quote by you ended with this line which applies to this post by you regarding income inequality:

"just another thread [post] that fails to see the Big picture".

Nice that you took what i said about those who said the Economy sucks
and applied it to income inequality and finished it with a climate denial mantra income inequality has always existed yet some how I am missing the big picture Classic
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