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Old 08-24-2016, 09:08 AM   #7
Jim in CT
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Originally Posted by spence View Post
I'm pretty sure that Huma's work at the foundation was volunteer. The guy from the AP was on the news this morning, what he ignores is that these are exactly the type of people the Sec State would be meeting with regardless.

I believe the DOJ looked at this after the Clinton Cash book came out and found there was nothing worth pursuing.

Sorry but an email helping to arrange a meeting isn't pay to play. You've got nothing...
"an email helping to arrange a meeting isn't pay to play"

If that's all it was, you'd be correct. However, the e-mail does a bit more, and shows that the crown prince of some swell place that persecutes gays, couldn't get an audience with her until after he donated big time.

She was on our dime as SecState, she's not supposed to use that platform to enrich her foundation.

If there was nothing there Spence, answer me this...why have they said that if she's elected POTUS, the foundation will stop taking foreign donations? By what logic is it inappropriate for POTUS to take foreign donations, but not SecState? PLEASE EXPLAIN.

"You've got nothing"

I have enough honesty to be able to criticize those on my side, when the situation warrants. If someone on my side lied about coming under sniper fire, I'd be able to say out loud that they lied. That makes one of us.
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