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Old 08-25-2016, 11:25 AM   #39
Jim in CT
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Originally Posted by spence View Post
The question about why now but not when she was Sec State? The answer is simple, because as POTUS she sets policy, as Sec State she didn't.
You're saying that the SecState has zero authority to set, or even to influence, policy. That is demonstrably false. SecState can't unillaterally declare war. But SecState can decide who to meet with, and who to suggest we sell arms to. During her tenure, it sure seems to have been beneficial for those who want US-made arms, to give big. The guy from Bahrain wrote a personal check of 32M to her foundation, then - VOILA!! - he is able to buy more weapons from America, which he used to crush those who suggested that democracy might be a better option than totalitarianism.

To you, that's not even the appearance of impropriety.

Enjoy your denial-fest.
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