Thread: Sleaze bag..
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Old 08-27-2016, 04:31 PM   #60
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Originally Posted by JohnR View Post
But Spence calls it strategic percussive wallops to the jollies.

Short version - you can find many 2 minutes of hate from both sides. But the left is allowed to paint the broad brush of racism and and intolerance on anyone that does not agree with them.

If you are against illegal immigration but support legal immigration and immigrants - you are a racist.

If you believe in law and order and personal responsibility - you are a racist.

If you embrace merit and character over diversity, you are a racist.

If you believe all lives matter - you are a racist.

If you support the Constitutions, Liberty, and individualism, you are a gun clinging bible thumping racist.

Why I am no longer a Democrat - the Dems and Progressives require a "do as I say" and are generally anti-liberty.

I despise Donald Trump but I despise culticollectivist patchouli reeking safe spacers far more and they are a greater danger to our Country.
Well said. I agree with all that. Wasn't sure until I looked up patchouli. Agree 100%
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