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Old 08-30-2016, 11:25 AM   #60
Jim in CT
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Originally Posted by PaulS View Post
Sheeple - Every independent fact checker rates Trump as the most dishonest presidential candidate in either party for the past many, many years.
Good lord, that is something that cannot be measured accurately, unless they are analyzing every single thing the person has ever said. How do they even quantify this? Let me guess, they take a "sample" of statements made recently. If that's the case, then the honesty value depends entirely on which statements are considered, and which are not.

If Hilary gives a speech and mentions the "war on women" crap, is that considered a lie? When she says I am anti-woman, is that a lie? if not, who cares what the study says.

Let's say Trump is a liar - fine. The point is, none of the left-leaning folks here, can bring themselves to criticize her about anything.

They are both morally repugnant. She's a little more slick about it.
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