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Old 09-05-2016, 10:52 PM   #14
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Originally Posted by wdmso View Post
the photo was not from him it it was posted by his followers who carry his water he didn't review the film he attacked the person

So you tried to post the photo as if Milo posted it, got corrected by john and then switched to . . . well, Milo was still responsible for the photo because it was by others "who carry his water". I suppose that accusation would apply to all the other outrageous posts by those who carry his water, even though Milo did not actually post them. Somehow, his review of the film "sparked", as one Milo critic said, the flow of outrageous comments against Leslie Jones. Right. Like how Trump sparks violence when he says things.

Would that be similar to how Obama sparks violence by Black Lives Matter folks when he talks about race and the police. Well . . . of course not . . . because . . . well . . . because. Oh, wait, that's right--because racist, bigoted, white "Conservatives" said so--that's why it's not the same. It's only when racist whites say outrageous things that sparks fly. And anyway, don't you know, what Obama says is true. How can a review of a film be true. It's just an outrageous opinion. That's why it can't be considered free speech. Like shouting fire in a crowded theater. Even if there is a fire. Oh . . . don't take that as saying that even if what Obama said is true, he shouldn't say it because it might spark violence. Naw, naw . . . we can't be worried about violence when speaking of really true things like the terrible problem we have with white cops killing blacks.

See, this is the reason that Milo says the things in the way he says them. At least, he says that's why. And I think he knows why more than anyone else would know why. There is this visible unfairness, inequality, of how we are told we must understand things like race, or sex, or gender, or religion, or a multitude of other really important things such as who goes to which bathroom. There is this unreasonable outrage against white, male, Conservative opinion and culture. Milo professes to fight against that and other socio-political unreasonable outrage. And he has said that the way to combat outrage culture is to be outrageous. He said somewhere, can't remember where, that, to paraphrase, if his outrageousness attracts enough attention, and enough people are exposed to what he is really saying beyond his provocative speech, then--mission accomplished.

I am not on twitter.. I just find those on the right who hold theses people up as champions against political correctness and the system .. enjoy calling their insults.. Free speech free of political correctness some much for civility
Again, you fail to see through the cover of his method and miss what he is saying beneath it. There is a method to his madness. The video that I posted in the start of this thread, if you actually listen to what he has to say, is more relevant than his provocative manner. Here is another article by him and one of his colleagues at Breitbart which is his explanation of alt-conservatism.

There is much more here than how he is portrayed by others. If you don't want to believe him, but rather want to believe what others say about him, you might at least discuss what he says. As for me, what he has to say is an important message, regardless of how you feel about his sincerity. And it certainly gives more insight into the Trump phenomenon as well as the problem that the GOP is going to have if it just dismisses it all.

As for poor Leslie Jones, who was "forced" off of Twitter by the onslaught of negative comments--as The Donald would say--give me a break. No one forced her. Poor baby couldn't take it. Strange how Milo takes the continuous and far more damaging onslaughts against him. He doesn't quit. He doesn't go away. It's just more fuel to his fire. And the idea that his review "sparked" the onslaught (if that's what it really was)--Conservative commentators have had, not just incitements sparked by reviews, but actual calls to attack not only their cause, but them personally. There have been calls that they should be fired, barred from the public forum, and that their sponsors be boycotted until they stopped advertising various conservative programs, especially in talk radio. Rush Limbaugh was attacked several times in these ways. But the Conservative commentators don't give up or run away.

And Leslie Jones is back on Twitter now. Happy as a Lark. Free to say whatever she wants about Milo.

Last edited by detbuch; 09-05-2016 at 11:01 PM..
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