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Old 09-06-2016, 10:53 PM   #32
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Originally Posted by spence View Post
Obama didn't fund raise through memes

Sure he did. Memes is a fairly new linguistic notion. But "memes" have been around since the beginning of human consciousness. And most people have been doing things through memes ever since then. It's just lately that someone has coined a word for it.

and Hillary's use of email -- while we all agree wasn't a good idea -- has been a manipulated story from day one, most importantly how the conspiratorial alt-right has influenced the mainstream media.

You're a product.
Yeah, she manipulated the story from day one. And the mainstream media is mostly at war with the alt-right, which is no more conspiratorial than Progressives, Democrats, Republicans (including your favorite--Neo-cons), BlackLlivesMatter, or any other political group or movement.

How about if you actually comment on the video that I posted on, and is the subject of, this thread rather than being a product of conspiratorial Progressive evasiveness and resorting to memes such as "conspiratorial" or "manipulated story".
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