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Old 09-09-2016, 04:27 AM   #93
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Originally Posted by Jim in CT View Post
You were the one who said people should be held responsible when their words lead to violence. So I think it's very on topic, to point out that liberals love Al Sharpton and BLM, despite the fact that both have blood on their hands.

If you decry Al Sharpton and BLM, I truly respect that. Most liberals don't. Obama has had Sharpton to the Oval Office dozens of times, so Obama clearly thinks Sharpton is a worthy ally, worthy of respect...rather than the disgusting, vile pig that he is.
it this your blood on his hands video from 1992 it doesn't show him screaming "kill cops" or calling on blacks to go out and commit acts of violence.

can you post where an official of BLM not a random person at a rally calls on blacks calling on blacks to go out and commit acts of violence.
as you comments concerning riots when have you seen Conservatives riot .. is that how you thinks riots work can you have a more simplistic view ??

but you have armed Occupation of the Malheur National Wildlife
Refuge or his ranch in 2014 many being charged with conspiracy to commit an offense against the United States, no riot so it acceptable form of protest i would say they are more Alt right
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