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Old 09-13-2016, 07:39 AM   #33
Jim in CT
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I didn't watch any of the news this weekend, just got caught up. Do I have this right???

(1) she was diagnosed with pneumonia
(2) she had coughing fits at an event, and even though they knew she had pneumonia, they said it was allergies
(3) at the 9/11 memorial service, she was shaking hands with people and embracing little kids, exposing them to pneumonia
(4) she got dizzy at the event, and even though they knew she had pneumonia, they said she overheated
(5) when they were told it was 81 degrees out, they admitted she had pneumonia

Is that about right?

My God, her first instincts are always to lie, even when the truth will suffice. She is in George Costanza territory here.

Why not just say she had pneumonia, and take 2 days off?
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