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Old 09-14-2016, 12:05 PM   #11
Jim in CT
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Originally Posted by spence View Post response was in reference to her walking back her entire statement which she didn't do. I'll try and be more clear next time
Who gives a damn that she walked it back? Obviously she only did that, because someone told her that her statement will hurt her chances. That was a prepared remark on a teleprompter. She saw it, she read it. When it got the applause she wanted, she asked the crowd "Am I right?"

She owns that remark.

Similar to Obama's bitter clingers remark, and Romney's idiotic statement about the 47%. What makes Hilary's remark unique, is that she said it knowing the cameras were on. Once again, she doesn't try at all, to conceal her contempt for anyone not exactly like her.

It's going to hurt her. Maybe a little, maybe a lot. But from a political perspective, it was an amazingly stupid thing to say.

She's not having a good run, at the moment.

Trump then, astutely, had his press conference last night where he outlined, in detail, a plan to make childcare more affordable for working families. That appeals to women, a group he desperately needs to do better with. At this point, the Clinton campaign can no longer say that he hasn't come out with any specifics. He'll do another one tomorrow concerning economics and taxes. He's way ahead of her, as of now, on specifics.
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