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Old 09-15-2016, 07:20 AM   #22
Jim in CT
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Originally Posted by PaulS View Post
Have I mentioned Racism in my posts other than to mention what Colin Powell thinks of the birther movement (and I guess the Republican Presidential candidate Donald Trump).

However, since you brought it up. - It's crazy to think the Birther movement didn't have any racism involved w/it.

But back to the orginal point - in that absense of any real voter fraud do you agree that the NC voter ID law (and the other aspects like closing polling places, shorting voting times, etc.) was meant to prevent Blacks from voting?
"Have I mentioned Racism in my posts "

Are you feeling OK? Seriously, are you OK? Because you have said a couple of times lately, that "Republicans have no use for minorities. "

"It's crazy to think the Birther movement didn't have any racism involved w/it"

Ah, but you didn't say there was "some" racism. You said the movement itself was racist. Two very different things. I don't think liberals even notice anymore, when they accuse conservatives of racism. It's like breathing to them (and you) now. You don't even notice when you are doing it anymore.
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