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Old 09-15-2016, 11:13 AM   #90
Jim in CT
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Originally Posted by PaulS View Post
In my view it is totally different. You can think you can get elected w/o appealling to a certain group of people. Doesn't make you a racist to not appeal to them.

Had the Republican's gotten some immigration reform done, they prob. would be polling better and prob. in the lead now.
There is a world of difference between...

(1) the GOP thinking they can win without the black vote, and
(2) the GOP introducing voting laws that are specifically designed to suppress the black vote.

#1 is not racist. You specifically accused the GOP, of #2. Trying to deny US citizens their constitutional rights based on skin color, could not be more racist.

"Had the Republican's gotten some immigration reform done, they prob. would be polling better and prob. in the lead now"

Not sure who you mean by "Republicans". Nationwide, the GOP currently controls both houses of Congress, and a huge majority of governorships and state legislatures.

If you are talking about just this one presidential election, if you think the GOP is way behind, then you haven't looked at polling that reflects Hilary's "pneumonia", or her deplorables comment. The most recent polling has Trump surging. CNN, which has all but endorsed Hilary in this election for God's sake, has him ahead in Ohio and Florida.

Perhaps when your first instinct is to lie every single time you hit a bump in the road, and to describe almost 25% of the country you wish to lead as deplorable (half of Trump's supporters), that has ramifications.

Trying to follow your logic on this thread, is like following my dog's foot prints in new-fallen snow, and trying to find the logic in the path he followed. A real head-scratcher in either case.

For God's sakes, why did my side nominate this jerk? If we nominated anyone else, she would have written her concession speech by now. She couldn't beat Nixon right now.

Last edited by Jim in CT; 09-15-2016 at 11:53 AM..
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