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Old 09-17-2016, 03:38 PM   #8
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Originally Posted by spence View Post
It's mind boggling that some people think an erratic, habitually dishonest, bigoted and conspiracy driven scam artist is going to nominate Justices who fit any certain profile.
Most Presidents in the past have been described by some or all of your list of memes for, I presume, Trump. They can absolutely be applied to Hillary. Some outstanding Justices have been nominated by those Presidents in spite of how they were characterized by those that didn't like them. It's not mind boggling at all.

In the case of Hillary vs. Trump, she will choose Progressive minded nominees. It is no longer in dispute among honest observers that Progressives believe the Constitution is outdated and an impediment to Progressive ideals of good government. And the historical record shows that the Progressive ideal is an Administrative State run by experts who know what is best and must not be inhibited by outmoded constitutional text. Progressives humor the Constitution only by insisting it must change, and that change is not by amendment, but by Judicial decisions and precedents which are concocted not by adherence to constitutional text, rather they are made by personal opinions of Judges who favor their notions of social justice and the ability of the State to impose those notions in spite of popular will, even when expressed by the vote.

The Progressive movement and its control in politics and influence in the Court have basically removed the vast residuum of rights which were left to The People in the Constitution, as well as eroded much of the Bill of Rights and will erode more when opportunity to do so by Progressive Court decisions arises. And it has created a vastly more powerful centralized political machinery that is not only dangerously beyond what was imagined at the founding and the Constitution it created, but has much more power and scope over the citizenry than the monarchy which was revolted against had over the colonists.

Trump, on the other hand, is not going to nominate Justices because of any personal philosophical motivation. He has already posted a list of potential nominees who are not, at present, Progressive. What they may turn out to be--who knows. But I doubt that he made those choices on his own. He has said that he will pick good advisors. No doubt that applies not only to how he operates as President, but to his Supreme Court nominees as well. The picks will be left to good advisors who, presumably, will be more favorable to the Constitution as written, not to some supposedly "living breathing" thing which depends on the whim of legislators and Judges.

Last edited by detbuch; 09-17-2016 at 03:48 PM..
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