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Old 09-17-2016, 03:44 PM   #29
Jim in CT
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Originally Posted by spence View Post
The point is her position isn't extreme, but people want to make it out like it is.
Her position (being against SOME guns) has been tried. It didn't work. Right? Didn't we have an assault weapons ban that was allowed to expire?

How about we do things that will actually help, like encouraging the kind of parenting that Nebe alluded to, instead of mocking it? The deplorable bitter clingers, seem to include a lot of people who epitomize the values that allow normal Americans to live happy, successful lives.

But let's pretend that the issue is that Trump won't disavow David Duke, to which he should respond, "as soon as my opponent disavows Al Sharpton".

If he shows up at all in the debates, she will be in trouble. There is SO MUH to beat her with.

Obama's economy...trillions added to the debt, with more people in poverty and on assistance, and pathetic GDP growth. That, folks, is what "failure" looks like. I think median wages are still down, too? For sure, the blacks that liberals pretend to care about, aren't a lot better off.
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