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Old 09-17-2016, 08:16 PM   #52
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Originally Posted by spence View Post
That's intellectually dishonest and you know better. I guess in the alt right world this is all justified. Conservatism is dead.
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I stated what I consider to be true. Trump is far more accomplished than you are. At least as far as I know. And just because you think that the characterizations with which you freely and continuously define those with whom you politically disagree are not insulting doesn't mean that they aren't. And, certainly, your saying them does not make them true.

And if conservatism is dead, it is because conservatives abandoned it. They may have killed it more surely than any insults you or your Progressive idol's could ever have done. Or, perhaps I should be more generous and say that "conservatives" have stopped fully and forcefully being conservative. And they have become fearful of the phony insults and "memes" cast their way by Mainstream Media and by fellow travelers like you.

And maybe they have stopped being conservative because the word doesn't explain what they are supposed to be conservative about. The Alt Right is not afraid. It might seem over the top to you, but it is a more effective antidote to authoritarianism than is the meager, mealy-mouthed, fearful accommodation that establishment Republicans give to the left's encroachment on our liberties. The Alt Right, in its cultural libertarianism, is far more faithful to our Constitution's principals than many of those that are referred to as "conservative."

Some on this forum think you're just trolling when you say outrageous stuff. I think you are sincere. I think you actually believe what you say. I don't think you have the slightest notion of how outrageous you often are. And you certainly are blind to how similar your outrageousness is to Trump's, or the Alt Right's.
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