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Old 09-19-2016, 01:14 PM   #14
Jim in CT
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Originally Posted by RIROCKHOUND View Post
This was media crap; should Trump have been more careful with saying bombing, maybe. Is this a big deal, no, it shouldn't be. At least this time he didn't immediately tweet before even offering condolences and the bodies were still warm (thankfully no one died in these attacks) about 'thanks for telling me I was right about Islamic terrorism'

I have no idea what case you are referring to, but the jist is...?
She was a defense attorney, and her client was accused of rape.

Did he run up and down the courtroom aisle laughing about raping a child admitting he was guilty while she just danced and said 'hey look at me, making money off raped kids?'? Did he not deserve a fair trial? Public defenders get paid all the time to defend people like that, do you despise them as well? Sometimes #^&#^&#^&#^&ty people have funds and a private attorney is hired to defend them as their job. Sometimes those #^&#^&#^&#^&ty people go free, and yes, that sucks.

"Is this a big deal, no, it shouldn't be. "

It's not a big deal that 95% of the media is in the bag for one political party?

"I have no idea what case you are referring to, but the jist is...?"

The jist is this (and I think you knew it already, because you are pretty sharp)...if Spence doesn't like it when Trump profits off of other people's losses, I would genuinely like to know how the heck he reconciles that, with the fact that Hilary profited off of the rape of a little girl. Unless she was this guy's court-appointed attorney, then there is nothing in the ethics of the bar (pretend lawyers have ethics for a minute) that obligates an attorney to agree to represent every client that walks in the door. She calls herself a feminist? i don' t think Gloria Allred would have defended the guy.

If Hilary can profit from the misery of others, why can't Trump? Is that an unfair question?

I despise Trump as a person. I am not defending him, so you don't need to list his ethical flaws. I am asking why there is such an obvious, glaring, double-standard between what she gets away with, and what he gets away with. Telling me he's a jerk, doesn't come close to answering the question I asked.

"Did he not deserve a fair trial? "

For the millionth time...boy, liberals have a really hard time responding to what others actually say. I never said we should execute the guy without due process. I said that as a result of this case, she profited from someone else's misery. So if Spence implies that such sleazy profiteering renders one unfit to be POTUS, why does Spence only apply that standard to the GOP?

"Sometimes those #^&#^&#^&#^&ty people go free, and yes, that sucks"

That's right. So there is nothing unfair, to hold the people who benefit from that, responsible for their actions. Or at least, to hold them to the same standard, regardless of their political party.

I don't have a huge issue with what Hilary did in that case. What I have an issue with, is saying that it's OK if she profits from someone else's pain, but it's wrong when Trump does it.
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