Thread: Latest Protests
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Old 09-22-2016, 01:47 PM   #22
Jim in CT
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Originally Posted by PaulS View Post
Prob. need a face to face rather than a 30 sec. blurb here.

I think it was an attempt to deligitamize the first black Pres. It unearthed racist sentiments where they felt free to voice them in a way w/o using language they knew was inappropriate. So the birther and a black Pres. also brought forth a feeling obo Blacks that they are not going to take it any more. So they protest (and the scummy/liberal ones riot). Blacks feel discriminated against and now even (as in Charlotte) you might have a "legitamate" shooting but they don't see it that way.

here is something I just read. A little hard to read bc the author added their own comments.

One of Donald Trump's Ohio campaign chairs has a very unique, revisionist view of American history that she is proudly sharing with the world.

Mahoning County campaign chair Kathy Miller, who is white, told the Guardian that there was "no racism" in the 1960s and if black people fail in this country, it's their "own fault."

"If you're black and you haven't been successful in the last 50 years, it's your own fault. You've had every opportunity, it was given to you," she told the Guardian.

"Growing up as a kid [in the 1960s], there was no racism," Miller adds. "... I never experienced it."

Ah, yes. Much like gravity, ultraviolet light and dark matter, racism doesn't exist unless you can see it with your own eyes.

"I don't think there was any racism until Obama got elected. We never had problems like this ..." Miller says. "Now, with the people with the guns, and shooting up neighborhoods, and not being responsible citizens, that's a big change, and I think that's the philosophy that Obama has perpetuated on America."

She doubles down by adding that black children "had the same schools as everyone else" (false), extra benefits to go to college that "white kids didn't have" (gross oversimplification of affirmative action), and that lower turnout among black voters is due to "the way they're raised" (voter turnout in Ohio in the last two presidential elections was higher among black voters than white ones).

"When do they take responsibility for how they live?" Miller demands.

The video is worth watching if only for the expression on the face of the poor interviewer, who at one point nicely asks Miller if some might find her comments offensive.

"I don't care," Miller says. "It's the truth."
"I think it was an attempt to deligitamize the first black Pres"

Agreed. But the attempt was limited to a small fringe. And for a long time, Obama refused to release his long form birth certificate. He could have ended this sooner, had he been more forthcoming.

"So they protest "

You are speculating that they are protesting, at least in part, in retaliation to birthers. Problem is, none of the protesters are saying that. They are all saying that they are protesting police oppression.

If you can support your speculation that the riots are connected to birther claims, please share.

"if black people fail in this country, it's their "own fault."

For the most part, I agree with that.

The opportunities here are endless. The black culture, at least for blacks born in this country, hasn't embraced those opportunities yet. They have instead embraced the victimhood status that liberals shove down their throats.

Paul, how come there are so many stories of immigrants from other countries (especially Asians) coming here with zip, and in one generation, their kids are doctors? Is the system rigged in favor of Asian immigrants moreso than blacks who are here already? Those immigrants work their fingers to the bone, because they wholeheartedly, passionately embrace the idea of opportunity.

Blacks who do the right things (stay in school, work hard, present themselves well, get married before having kids) do well. Whites who make stupid decisions (drop out of high school, do drugs, wear their pants down by their ankles) struggle. It's not about race. It's about the choices you make.
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