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Old 09-30-2016, 10:11 AM   #3
Jim in CT
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Originally Posted by RIROCKHOUND View Post
I would have voted for Kasich as a successful governor, with strong budget experience and a reasonable stance on climate change. I would have disagreed with him on some issues for sure. And yes, some of the personality is relevant.

Trumps VP pick was done ONLY to sway folks like you Jim. Period. Same with his supreme court list. Trump is a trickle down, cut and spend republican hidden behind a lot of bull#^&#^&#^&#^& and rhetoric. But don't worry, he has a plan.
"Trumps VP pick was done ONLY to sway folks like you Jim. Period."

Agreed. And that was a very wise move, because his personal conservative bona fides are in doubt, to say the least. He needed to pick someone just like Pence.

"Trump is a trickle down, cut and spend republican hidden behind a lot of bull#^&#^&#^&#^& and rhetoric."

He's also a jerk.

Hilary is a tax-and-spend liberal, who wouldn't recognize a personal ethic or moral if it jumped in her face. Her husband kicked off unbelievable economic growth by doing the same things that the Tea Party endorses (cutting spending, cutting taxes, welfare reform), yet she says those policies only benefit the rich. She SAW the impact of those policies, she KNOWS that most people benefitted, but she can't be honest enough to admit it.

She is also one of the very few liberals on record as supporting partial birth abortion. If she can't get something right that's that morally obvious, why should we trust her with stuff that's genuinely complicated. That's not just wrong, it's almost satanic.
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