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Old 09-30-2016, 05:45 PM   #7
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Originally Posted by spence View Post
Where those the deplorables?
Are "deplorables" legitimate citizens of the U.S. with a legitimate right to express their opinion? Are their opinions to be smeared because you or Hillary don't like them. You may not be a deplorable, but you seem to be a hypocrite pretending to want civility but often spew the opposite.

I keep hearing about some "issues" other than the Supreme Court nominations, but what is proffered instead is a host of supposedly deplorable characteristics shared by Trump and his supporters and some supposed Clinton great "resume" even though it is spotted with more visible egregious failures than notable successes.

It's the old lack of memory, taking the fifth, and disappearing documents spiced with Alinsky-like or Comintern tactics that the left has successfully used since FDR's communist infested administration and even before that.
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