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Old 10-04-2016, 12:15 PM   #2
Jim in CT
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Originally Posted by spence View Post
What if it wasn't legal? From what I've read Trump's real estate projects in the early 1990's were funded mostly by banks, not out of pocket cash, which would make a personal 916 million $ loss very difficult to obtain. Perhaps Trump was claiming other losses as real estate given his business venture was doing pretty poorly.

So Trump leverages heavily, makes terrible business decisions, screws his creditors and uses the scam to benefit personally at the taxpayer expense.

Why anyone would want to look into this is beyond me
"What if it wasn't legal?"

Then there's a mechanism to deal with that. It's called the IRS, and federal prison. As of today, he hasn't been charged with anything, correct?

So now it's OK to penalize people (at least Republicans) when there's a chance, according to somebody, they broke the law?

"uses the scam "

The 'scam' as you refer to it, is US tax code. Obama has had 8 years to propose changes to it. If there are gross inadequacies, I wonder why he didn't fix them, especially when his party controlled both houses of Congress?
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