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Old 10-04-2016, 01:29 PM   #10
Jim in CT
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Originally Posted by PaulS View Post
Where are the illegalities in the Clinton foundation? What laws have they broken? There has to be something!

We know that Trump used his unregistered foundation to pay his debts and fund his lifestyle yet somehow I've missed the thread here about it.

There can't be a double standard, can there?
"are the illegalities in the Clinton foundation? "

None that I'm aware of.

But if she makes the bullsh*t claim that my side hates women and gays, it's fair to point out that her foundation does an AWFUL lot of business with powerful folks in the Mideast, places that last time I checked, aren't exactly friendly to women or gays. And some of that money is used to lavish the Clintons, and their friends, with fine travel and accommodations, and in some cases, her cronies get nice salaries from that foundation.
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