Thread: Just odd
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Old 10-07-2016, 09:07 PM   #11
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Originally Posted by wdmso View Post
seems your being a bit defensive of your Man..

Trump is not my man. He is the candidate for the party that claims to want to appoint SCOTUS judges in the mold of Scalia and Thomas. I am, as I have said over and over in many, many ways, a defender of the Constitution, not a defender of personalities. Imperfect persons come and go. I do not want that to happen to the Constitution.

I was not defending Trump. I was answering your question: "I wonder how the message was taken by those in that situation again just odd"? It seems odd that you consider my answer a defense of Trump, whom I have said a few times already that I don't like. Although, I am beginning to like him a bit since, as TDF might say, he makes Progressive heads explode. And the fallout from the explosion is stuff like the video, and "expose" articles like in the WAPOST and NYT and Salon and more videos and on and on. Of course, that's not odd. That sort of poison and vituperation is expected when you cut one of Hydra's heads off. At any rate, rather than my being defensive of Trump, it seems you are being offensive about him.

I just find it odd to mention that demographic in that manner? no outrage indignant or condescending,or , hateful Just odd
Ohhhh . . . just odd. The world is full of oddities. Trump certainly has his share. As do, no doubt, you or I. Did you just suddenly decide out of the clear blue to point out one of the innumerable existing oddities? And what are we to make of that? Is that good, bad, or indifferent? Does it matter? Do you really care? Is it some really important piece of oddity that we should know about? Will it make a difference in our lives? Or do you just want to entertain us with your piece of oddity?

And BTW, as has been pointed out by a couple of us, there is a context to the speech that puts the highly selected portion of video in a way that is neither "odd" nor outrageous. The next line, conveniently left out of the video is: "I'm only kidding" said with a big smile. And what was the point behind his kidding? The point was that it is very critical that those who want Trump over Hillary get out and vote. In the speech, he reiterates things like "gotta get out and vote folks." Or "On Nov. 8 the arrogance of Washington D.C. will come face to face with the verdict of the American voter." He said this may be the last chance to deliver justice and that, unlike the repeated notion of past elections being the most important in our lifetime, this one really is. The stress on the importance of voting, the expression on his face when he said it, the tone and tenor and message of the speech create a fuller context for the typically outlandish Trump way of putting something. Of course, that way lends itself to "out of context" selections that are made a big gotcha deal over.

Of course, you merely consider that odd. But Trumps political enemies glom onto this stuff like its electoral Manna. You, of course, don't think anyone should be outraged, or indignant, or condescending, or aroused to some form of hate by this kind of stuff. Certainly of no importance to the election. You just think it's odd.

I don't care about Hillary or Trump as people. I care about the system of government we will be left with depending on which one is elected. You, of course, are not single issue oriented. So . . . what other issues do you care about?
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