Thread: Just odd
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Old 10-08-2016, 12:28 AM   #10
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Originally Posted by spence View Post

Wow, just wow. This is what you support?
Wow, just wow. Washington and Jefferson owned slaves. Is what Trump said worse than that? How did they do as Presidents? And they owned slaves while they actually were Presidents. Who knows what they said in confidence about how they tried to seduce women?

JFK was a hound for it--and during his whole political life, including when he was actually President. How did he do as President?

Oh, yeah. Bill Clinton. And Hillary calling his prey "bimbos." I can imagine Bill sitting back with some buds and a cigar talking about his conquests. There were those who actually praised his sexual exploits as being indicators of a strong alpha male type whose prowess would actually make him a superior President. How did he do as President?

Are you really that naïve? You don't think many powerful men who have succeeded well in life don't like to brag? Oh, yeah . . . ditto for unsuccessful men.

Apparently you and wdmso consider stuff like this as those "other issues" beside my one-note-Johnny concern over who will appoint SCOTUS judges.

Yeah --wow, just wow.

Last edited by detbuch; 10-08-2016 at 12:34 AM..
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