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Old 10-08-2016, 09:12 PM   #4
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Originally Posted by spence View Post
Not grumpy, I'd just like to see at least two strong parties, better for the USA.
Do you mean two strong parties that fundamentally differ from each other, or two strong parties that differ mainly in the personalities of the candidates they choose for office? If the latter, what difference does it make if only one, or neither is "strong"?

What are the critical differences, if any, that you want to exist?

And if you did actually want the parties to fundamentally differ, what would your preferred differences be? And which difference would you prefer?

The impression I get from your posts is that you don't want major differences between the parties. But you'd rather that in given circumstances one would be more "moderate" than the other. If that's the case, how would the long run big picture be any different if one party was weak and the other strong? Or if one party just disappeared?
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