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Old 10-10-2016, 09:24 AM   #7
Jim in CT
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Originally Posted by wdmso View Post
How each candidate treats women

another False equivalence from the right... Def : is a logical fallacy which describes a situation where there is a logical and apparent equivalence, but when in fact there is none.

Donald is more like Bill Clinton that much is certain

Would any one's wife here run to the defense of an accuser ?
"Donald is more like Bill Clinton that much is certain "

How many women have accused Donald Trump of assaulting and raping them, exactly?

"Would any one's wife here run to the defense of an accuser ?"

A normal wife doesn't attack the accuser (more accurately, victim) and lie to defend the assaulter. My wife was captain of her college rugby team, and if I was serially unfaithful to her, and betrayed her and my kids like that, I'd be dead before I hit the ground.

You really appear to be one of those liberals, like Spence, who can't say anything bad about any Democrat, or anything good about any Republican.

You said Trump is like Clinton. Trump bragged that he can grope women. Clinton actually did that, and more. Is saying "I'll kill you", the same as actually killing someone?

"another False equivalence from the right"

The right isn't saying they are equivalent, we are saying Bill is much, much worse, and common sense suggests that is correct. You are making the false equivalent by saying that words and actions are equivalent. That's absurd.
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