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Old 10-10-2016, 10:12 AM   #10
Jim in CT
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Originally Posted by RIROCKHOUND View Post
There are several out there who have accused him, including his ex-wife.

You may be right about defending the assaulter, but you think a 'normal wife' wouldn't be calling your mistress every name in the book, besides kicking the crap out of you?
I can say this for an absolute certainty...if I was middle age and rich, and I left my wife for an intern, yes my wife would have some choice words for both me and the gold digger.

If 10 women came out at the same time, and accused me of assault, and one of rape, then my wife would correctly conclude that the problem was me, not them. And for damned sure, she wouldn't blame the Democrats for framing me.

She obviously knew exactly who she married, so she could not possibly have been surprised when the Lewinsky story broke, That would be like me saying that I didn't think Trump had it in him to be crass.

I would say Hilary's slut-shaming of assault victims is at least as bad as Trump's locker room talk. The actions of Bill Clinton go way beyond Trump's vulgarity.

This is also the party that worshipped the Kennedys. If you aren't going to call out the Clintons and the Kennedys, you have no moral standing to criticize Trumps offensive words.
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