Thread: What a shame
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Old 10-12-2016, 08:30 AM   #35
Jim in CT
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Originally Posted by wdmso View Post
So far the majority of those things Americans are doing the same thing in far greater numbers then Illegals 2 wars are what is draining this country of resources

but again facts dont matter Border Patrol apprehensions, which the government sees as a barometer of illegal border-crossing attempts, have been dropping for the past decade and a half. The Border Patrol apprehended 337,117 people nationwide in fiscal year 2015. That's down nearly 30 percent from the previous year and nearly 80 percent below the peak in 2000. wasn't that George W. Bush time in office???

Deportations increased under President Obama,

you want to stop immigration Invest in central America if they have astable Government and economy the will stay
Is a speck of honesty too much to ask? Regarding Healthcare, Trump has also publicly said he wants to make it easier for insurance companies to write in multiple states, which might increase competition and lower prices. I don't know if that will help, but it is part of his platform, and you shouldn't pretend that it's not just to make him look less qualified.
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