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Old 10-14-2016, 03:31 PM   #28
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Please tell me WZDMSO, what do you think of her claim that the GOP was framing Bill? She said that on national television. Do you think that was a rational thing to believe? What does that say about her judgment?
Today 08:58 AM

Id say based on the History of the republican party going after them and the Hate that resides here towards them reguardless of the facts presented

I would say its not hard to see why she would make that statement
and shows she is a rational thinker .. a bit paranoid but rational

Compared to this from Trump Who is not rational but paranoid and can again Shows his True Temperament

We just have women confirming that what he said he has done .. it seems he wasn't lying for once ..

“The Clintons and the corporate media are one in the same," Trump told hundreds of millennials at an invitation-only event in Columbus. "They collaborate and conspire together.”

or “The corporate media in our country is no longer involved in journalism,” said the GOP nominee. “They’re a political special interest no different than any lobbyist or special entity with a total political agenda, and the agenda is not for you, it’s for themselves.”

Maybe Trump needs Bill Cosby as a running Mate .. so much for Freedom of the press

Every survivor of sexual assault deserves to be heard, believed, and supported. this is from Kellyanne Conway campaign manager Tweet toward Hillary

Now Trump has called his accusers "horrible liars"

and Mike Pence says Donald Trump's campaign is working on producing evidence (Slut shaming??)

It Seems some one should have tried Trumps extreme Vetting on Him because seem this onion got more layers then expected
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