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Old 10-25-2016, 11:53 AM   #2
Jim in CT
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Originally Posted by spence View Post
That's because it's not true Jim.
The hell it's not.

"“I’ve said … that there can be restrictions in the very end of the third trimester, but they have to take into account the life and health of the mother,” Clinton said on “Meet the Press” in September."

Here's the thing Spence...last minute abortions don't do a thing to protect the "life" of the mother, because the mother is experiencing all the trauma associated with childbirth of a fully grown baby. You are just interrupting the birth long enough to kill the baby.

So according to Hilary, the mother can say "the prospects of caring for a baby are stressing me out, and it's effecting my health", and that's enough to abort a baby in the 36th week.

Try making that wrong. Hint - your saying it's wrong, doesn't make it wrong.
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