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Old 10-26-2016, 10:12 AM   #8
Jim in CT
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Originally Posted by PaulS View Post
You're gullible.

Try to get a reservation in a large city on election night at the capitol grille. All the reservations are taken. It is the welfare crowds using their food stamps bc they will have 8 more years of a Democrat in the oval office. Look at the valet parking lots - they will be filled with their Cadillac’s. Welfare people get like 80K a year plus another 20K if they vote mulitiple times in each election.

One way or another Acorn will steal the election.

I read it on the interweb.
I agree that voter fraud doesn't likely exist on a large scale, though it's a legitimate concern at the local level in some cases. Here in CT, in the last 2 governor races (which were close) they left the polls open much later than they were supposed to, in Bridgeport and Hartford. Now, guess which way 99% of voters in those 2 cities, vote? Which party benefitted from that? In both cases, it was claimed there weren't enough ballots at the polling places (who knew you needed ballots on election day??) and they (meaning, the Democrats in charge) decided that the fair thing was to leave the polls open for a few extra hours.

Does media bias concern you? When CNN is hosting a debate, and the head of the DNC used to work at CNN, and she apparently got a question before the debate and emailed to Hillary's campaign...does that concern you?

To say that the media has their thumbs on the scales in favor of Hillary, is an understatement. Trumps vulgar talk is getting a LOT more air time than what's in Hilary's emails. CNN warned their viewers not to even listen to anyone talking about what's in those emails.

When the media is sufficiently in the tank for one candidate, at some point, it becomes incompatible with the concept of democracy. If we aren't at that point, I would say we are close.

In 2008, the New York Times ran a front page story, claiming that the Bangladesh orphan that John McCain adopted, was actually his biological child from an adulterous affair. John McCain doesn't deserve better than that?
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