Thread: Fake news
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Old 11-08-2016, 11:00 AM   #3
Jim in CT
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Originally Posted by scottw View Post
that's original....I don't like Trump...don't plan to vote for him....but for crying out loud....what he writes on Twitter is a problem and everything that we know, not only regarding hillary's email but the rest of the family's dealings is not??

we're electing a president that is supposed to uphold and defend the Constitution and maintain the integrity of our institutions ....she's demonstrated herself incapable of that....Trump sucks but he doesn't have a thirty year track record of government corruption....democrats seem very comfortable with democrat government live in RI see it every day....I don't believe he'll abuse the office to the degree that the Clinton's have previously and I'm sure are already planning to do

re 1930's germany

if Trump were to win and then betray the public trust...there's a long line of republicans and journalists anxious to hold him accountable

there is clearly no one on the democrat side or in the MSM to hold the Clinton's accountable for any actions,,,that is a frightening prospect
"what he writes on Twitter is a problem and everything that we know, not only regarding hillary's email but the rest of the family's dealings is not?? "

NOW you're coming around to liberalism. You see, we should focus on all of Trump's ethical lapses, and ignore all of Hillary's ethical lapses. Because in that light, you have to admit, she compares favorably!

"democrats seem very comfortable with democrat government corruption.."

Two very, very different sets of rules, that's for certain.
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