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Old 11-24-2016, 05:14 AM   #73
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Originally Posted by Jim in CT View Post
"Sadly your wrong about people having a choice they vote overwhelmingly no "

Umm, no I'm not. That's why unions, and the democrats they own, are so adamantly opposed to 'right to work'.

"why wait until theres an issue "

So you're OK criticizing people in anticipation of them doing something wrong. Should we jail people ahead of time too, before the actually do anything?

"Yet only 11.3% of our total work force is Union in the United States and Republicans want to bring that number to ZERO Why is that?? thats a lot of effort to destroy the livelihood's of 11%"

If you ever bothered to listen to anyone, you'd know the answers. In the public sector, labor unions are bankrupting towns and states.

WTF is your evidence that getting rid of the union, will "destroy the livelihood" of the 11%? How do the other 89% manage to survive? If unions really added value to their members, people wouldn't overwhelmingly opt out when given the choice. But that's what they do in 'right to work' situations.

work to rule states they want the benefits collective bargaining brings but dont want to pay for it (free stuffers ) public sector, labor unions are bankrupting towns and states. False again but again another example of residents want services yet dont want to pay for them ..

What should a police office make in your town or state ? or firefighter or teacher ?? correctional officer... I bet you would only be happy if it was less than what you make .. Big business just went after overtime over 40 hrs for employees making less than 50k a year I get it make America great again but over time over time 40hrs we dont want America to be that great
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