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Old 12-03-2016, 12:45 PM   #82
Jim in CT
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Originally Posted by wdmso View Post
Cutting corporate tax rate reducing regulation will Equal increase Jobs in America

Bill Clinton signed major capital gains tax cuts into law. The economy took off like a rocket.

You can use the biggest, boldest font you want to claim it's a lie. But if you ever took Economics 101, you would know that when the cost of something goes down, the demand for that something, no matter what it is, goes up. Taxes are the "cost" of income. When you reduce corporate income taxes, it makes more sense for companies to invest in growth. Growing a business involves "risk". Allowing companies to keep more of their income, changes the risk/reward math, it necessarily makes growth a more attractive option.

Just because you have been told you are supposed to hate that concept, doesn't mean it's not true.

Why are companies moving overseas? Because it's CHEAPER. If we lower the cost of doing business here, there's less incentive to move jobs overseas.
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