Thread: Fake news
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Old 12-07-2016, 07:42 AM   #2
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problem is Wayne..when it comes to sex and money and the Clintons..anything is within the realm of possibility

word of the day...week, year...for the disgruntled liberati .."Fake News"

I listened to Jim and Marjorie out of Boston yesterday while driving around NE....pretty sure they couldn't get through 1 minute of broadcast time without they or one of their guests dropping the phrase "Fake News".....then there was "climate deniers"....over and over with regard to the Gore visit to Trump Palace.........Marjorie first decried "Fake News" then suggested that Trump "ought be particularly concerned about climate change because where he lives, Manhattan, is already almost completely under water".....this was news to me...someone should warn the folks planning to go down there for the New Year's Eve celebration to bring masks and snorkels.....I was excited to hear one of their lefty guests state that STATES would need to play an important role in exercising their rights against mandates and dictates that might come down from the Federal Government under Trump......wish this woman and her friends were consistent on this because while the two hosts agreed wholeheartedly with her on this issue NOW....I don't think the left had any problem with the FEDS exerting their will and trampling states rights when Obama and his crew was running things...the big concerns were pot and the ability to get an abortion after 5 months in the womb....big issues for the left I guess?

funny that the left is so consumed with the importance facts, literal meanings for words and phrases and the quality of the news after the Clinton years through the Bush years and now the Obama years where wordsmithing has become a celebrated art form for the left, meanings are what you chose to make them depending on your necessity the time, the only absolute is that there are no absolutes, you can say one thing one day and mean something completely different the next and lying is a compassionate and fun way to deal with those that you dislike and perfectly acceptable because it is part of the human condition...."everybody does it"

Last edited by scottw; 12-07-2016 at 07:50 AM..
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