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Old 12-19-2016, 07:50 AM   #44
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Originally Posted by Jim in CT View Post
"Whats amazing to see people dont care That the Russians tried "

Can you support that please? I think most people, regardless of party, don't like what Russia did.

Seem's you haven't been reading post in this thread

What's more important than how those emails were revealed, is what they revealed. Hilary getting debate questions ahead of time. The DNC paying operatives to start fights at Trump rallies. Hilary and the DNC working to sabotage Bernie's chances.

See you support the hacks .. because you like the outcome ..or believe them to be the truth

Seems to me that all liberals care about is how those emails were hacked. I haven't heard many liberals express concern about the content of the emails. Nor have I heard anyone at the DNC or the Hilary campaign, dispute the content of the emails.

Trump is now saying that if the FBI and CIA agree, he presumes they are correct. Hate to inject facts into your rant.

Here we go again he NOWS SAYS .. Why now?? because he is getting push back ,,, thats the only reason but Thats the problem with trump he has more flip flops then you can count ..and you and his supporters carry his excuse's proudly

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