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Old 12-19-2016, 07:59 AM   #19
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Originally Posted by Jim in CT View Post

for you.

Russia tried to influence the election by exposing truthful info about some disgusting Democrat tactics. There is zero evidence that the WikiLeaks leaks, played a major role in the outcome.

And if the leaks DID influence the outcome, is it the fault of those who exposed the truth? Or is it the fault of those who engaged in shameful tactics?

WDMSO, you want to comment on that, please?

Hilary ran against the most unpopular candidate ever, in terms of his unfavorable polling.

She spent WAY MORE than he did.

She cheated - got debate questions ahead of time from CNN, and the DNC hired thugs to incite violence at Trump rallies.

She had the entire media, except for Foxnews, in her camp.

All that...and she got creamed in the electoral college. Naturally, her followers are shrieking their big, fat, red mouths and asking, in true totalitarian fashion, for a small number of people to reject the expressed will of the electorate.

In a democracy, sometimes the voters will not go your way. Them's the breaks. Hilary doesn't have superdelegates in the general election to hand it to her, like she had available to her in the primary.

And naturally, Michelle Obama is right back to hating her country. She says we have no hope. Investors sure seem to feel quite differently. Tell everyone who has a 401(k), that we are in a hopeless situation...

Again you seem to to read I dont think the Russians Help Trump win or caused Clinton to lose.. but thats not the issue its about the russians and Trumps feckless stance on the issue

I am glad to see how those who wave their American flag and want to make America great again ... Happily support Russian hacking of other Americans their party and their citizens and some how make this a partisan issue ... keep up the good work
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