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Old 12-20-2016, 11:09 AM   #94
Jim in CT
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Originally Posted by PaulS View Post
I'm not ignoring either sides actions but am admittedly giving more weight to a hostile foreign govern. actions then to actions of our own. Is it a double standard that it bothers me more than what we have done in Chile or Argentina when we tried to influence an election – sure. I view the hacking as closer to Watergate than Jimmy Carter’s grandson taping a Milt Romney speech where he was a bartender. The "election" isn't just what occurred bt the time the polls opened on 11/8 and when they closed.
"No, not necessarily, You can try and fail at something"

Well, if they tried to effect the outcome and failed, then they also failed to interfere. Can you ever just admit a conservative has a point? Russia likely tried to interfere. No evidence they succeeded.

"Donna Brezile deserved to be fired. The question she released was expected but still releasing it was sleazy"

Agreed. But her sleazy actions, I noticed, weren't enough to get her fired as the head of the DNC.

"It is not surprising that Wasserman Shultz favored Hilary as she was a Dem. for a long time vs Bernie "

If Deb wants to personally favor Hilary, that's fine. But she went WAY beyond that, she actively sabotaged Bernie's campaign, and actively colluded with the media to lift up Hilary. Correct?

"Plus Hillary was expected to have a better chance"

That's for the voters to decide in the primaries. The DNC isn't supposed to put their thumbs on the scale. But the existence of the superdelegates, is proof that the DNC isn't interested in democracy, they are interested in nominating who the party leaders want to be nominated, voters be damned.

"was made to drop his pants in public any parent would be upset "

Agreed, I would be upset at that. But I would also be upset that he cheated, and no one at NBC, ABC, or CNN, had much to say about what was in those emails. And CNN actually told viewers not to watch coverage of the emails on other networks. They buried the truth, because it made Hilary look bad. That completely undermines the reason why we have a free press. You know how bad Sean Hannity was in the tank for Trump? That's how bad, almost everyone else was, for her.

"The "election" isn't just what occurred bt the time the polls opened on 11/8 and when they closed. "

Agreed 100%.

If the Dems weren't being so sleazy and underhanded, there would have been no Wikileaks dump.

I have no problem with looking into the leaks. I have issues with the extent to which every network but one, buried the content of the emails.
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