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Old 12-20-2016, 04:08 PM   #3
Jim in CT
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Originally Posted by wdmso View Post
Many of the Trump appointees were born wealthy, attended elite schools and went on to amass even larger fortunes as adults. As a group, they have much more experience funding political candidates than they do running government agencies.

is this letting the foxes run the Hen House ??

Business and Government are not even remotely the same

written in 1996

economics and business are not the same subject, and mastery of one does not ensure comprehension, let alone mastery, of the other. A successful business leader is no more likely to be an expert on economics than on military strategy.

The next time you hear business-people propounding their views about the economy, ask yourself, Have they taken the time to study this subject? Have they read what the experts write? If not, never mind how successful they have been in business. Ignore them, because they probably have no idea what they are talking about.

not thinking theses guys are it it for the Blue collar worker .. we'll see
I don't want people who are career government employees. I'd rather have a Secretary of the Treasury that has worked successfully on Wall Street, than someone who spent his whole career in the government or in a faculty room teaching economics. You seem to be suggesting that government experience is more important than real-world experience. I could not disagree more strongly. Did Eisenhower ever run for political office before he was POTUS?

You need people who understand government, no doubt. They don't need to be in the Cabinet necessarily.

"is this letting the foxes run the Hen House "

You really believe that wealthy people have necessarily preyed upon everyone else, don't you? How many poor people are in Obama's cabinet? And what's the magical net worth number, above which you are (according to liberals) necessarily a bad person?

"Business and Government are not even remotely the same "

I agree with that statement, but not in the same spirit in which you agree with it! Career politicians are almost useless in my opinion. I'll take somebody who knows how to get things done, any day.

In business, you have to produce, and you have to do it efficiently. That's infinitely harder than government, where you can usually take as long as you want, and don't usually give a rat's azz about cost.

"A successful business leader is no more likely to be an expert on economics than on military strategy."

I could not disagree more. Business and economics are very closely related. Go tell Warren Buffet that he knows no more about macroeconomics, than he knows about infantry tactics.

Business and economics are not identical. They are very closely related. The CEO of a large company, absolutely needs to understand economics. The owner of a mom and pop pizza shop doesn't, but the CEO of a Fortune 500 company, absolutely does.

The Treasury Secretary has many assistants. He can pick one who has a PhD in economics if he wants.

Some people have a proven ability to learn what they need to know. If someone knows how to think logically, and to solve problems, that skill can translate to many different fields.

Last edited by Jim in CT; 12-20-2016 at 04:36 PM..
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