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Old 12-21-2016, 09:01 AM   #18
Jim in CT
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The quality of the parenting is more important than the quality of the school. No question.

But all other things being equal, a good school beats a crappy school. That's why in our cities, parents that are trying to do the right thing, are almost unanimously in favor of school choice.

Still haven't heard an argument against it.

In Hartford CT, the town spends almost 20k on educating each kid. And the schools are colossal failures.

In West Hartford, there is a fantastic private school that charges $12k per kid.

So...instead of spending 20k to send a kid to a failing sh*thole of a school, the city of Hartford can send a few promising students to the private school. The town saves a ton of money, the kids gets a much better education.

In the real world, this solution would be called a "no-brainer". But not with politicians! Public teachers unions don't like school choice, because public employees like having a total monopoly, they don't like letting their customers have a "choice". So teachers unions are opposed to school choice. And teachers unions give a whole lot of money to Democrats. So democrats vote against school choice, thus continuing to waste huge amounts of money, and worse, limiting the opportunities of their poorest constituents who are trying to do the right thing.

There is no sane argument against school choice, none. I could almost lose an argument about why I oppose slavery, before I could lose an argument about why I support school choice.

And I am fairly certain I heard somewhere that liberals identify themselves as "pro choice", so I am a bit confused about their position here...
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