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Old 12-22-2016, 12:46 PM   #30
Jim in CT
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Originally Posted by PaulS View Post
I don't mind the public charter schools but disagree with vouchers. I think some of the success w/charter schools (and I have read articles saying they have success and some saying they don't) is they can accept the people who are more involved w/their children's education. As everyone prob. agrees, the more involved the parent is, the more likely the child will be successful. Some parents either don't care or don't have the where with all to raise their kids where they can succeed.
"the more involved the parent is, the more likely the child will be successful"

Exactly correct. Well said.

"disagree with vouchers"

How come?

In the city of Hartford, they spend almost 20k per year, per pupil, and the schools are war zones. If instead, the town pays 12k to send a few promising students to a quality private school, that means the town saves money, and the kid gets a much better education.

You have me curious as to your opposition.
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