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Old 01-04-2017, 04:30 PM   #21
Jim in CT
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Originally Posted by RIROCKHOUND View Post
The 700 jobs is fantastic for those families and the community. Since Trump has enacted no policy it is hard to give credit to anyone other than the bigger economics of the situation. I also question the corporate wellfare that is being (potentially) promised a la carrier. We will see. He promised jobs, 700 is a start.

As far as the knot, there was one there over the last 8 years in exactly the opposite direction.
"Since Trump has enacted no policy it is hard to give credit to anyone other than the bigger economics of the situation."

That's true in a literal sense, but the CEO of Ford said the decision to invest in Michigan, was in part, due to anticipated improved manufacturing climate that Trump will likely pursue.

To put it another think the DJIA would be flirting with 20,000 if Hilary won the election? Come on...

"I also question the corporate wellfare that is being (potentially) promised a la carrier"

That is a state issue. The tax breaks were offered by the state of Indiana. Trump also likely threatened them with tariffs, but that threat wasn't unique to Carrier.

I don't like the feds, or the states for that matter, picking individual winners and losers. I didn't like it when Obama did it, and I don't like it now.

"As far as the knot, there was one there over the last 8 years in exactly the opposite direction"

Not like this. There weren't massive protests before Obama got sworn in 8 years ago. Obviously Trump is different, he is more overtly offensive and obnoxious, in a sophomoric kind of way. He's like the idiot in high school who thinks that fart jokes are the funniest thing ever. Obama's offensiveness was a bit deeper beneath the surface, and a bit more nuanced I guess, but not much.
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