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Old 01-11-2017, 06:04 AM   #10
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Originally Posted by Jim in CT View Post
WDMSO, who sues when religion enters the public square in any way? You deny it's liberals? Yes the are called ACLU

This artist, of course, has the right to make whatever historically inaccurate horsesh*t art he wants. He has that right. That doesn't mean it must be on display in the US Capital. Why because people dont like it wrong answer where was the outrage 7 months ago

My facts were correct - liberals would tend to be OK with depicting cops as kids, but they'd be offended by a nativity scene. Forget the courts, which I never referred to. I am talking about what your side believes. Forget the law of the land for this but not for 2a rights its not how it works

In 2018, 10 democrat senators are up for re-election in states that rump won. If your side remains this clueless about what the majority of American people believe, they will continue to be irrelevant.

stop telling half truth trump won no majority he won the election
Clinton Trump
Total 65,844,610 62,979,636

He "won a contest"? The contest was decided by the one person, the congressman, a left wing nut who hates cops and would have picked anything that made cops look bad. Whoop-dee-do.

"I thought Republicans Loved the Constitution '

We do. You show me what part of the constitution is violated by refusing to let that thing hang in the US Capital? If the kid wants to put on an art show on his own dime, fine. That's public property. None of has a constitutional right to display our art in a public place.

If i have to show you then you dont understand the constitution

As I said, this will help my side and hurt your side. Keep up the good work. Typical republicans haven't been in the white house in 8 years they win 1 election and talking as if they did something don't count your chickens before they hatch.
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