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Old 01-11-2017, 04:18 PM   #13
Jim in CT
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Originally Posted by wdmso View Post
"Some police are heroes and some are murderers "

In equal numbers do you think? Is that what you're saying? Or are there 1,000 heroes for every murderer? Look, one police murderer is one too many, but it's beyond rare. Your side uses every violent confrontation, the vast majority of which are justified, to fan the flames of racial division

"I care its another manufactured outrage, a stunt that was sent to your inbox and you ran with it ."

I just heard about it this week. I was outraged. I don't like to see heroes attacked. I can't be offended by something I don't know about.

What the heck do you mean 'manufactured'? Are any of the facts mis-stated? Any at all?

"yours is only about race "

Good lord! And this painting isn't about race?

"same thing happen 8 year ago its not earth shattering "

You need a history lesson. 8 years ago, the Dems controlled DC for sure, but they weren't as dominant in the states as the GOP is now, not remotely close. The Democrats haven't controlled so few elected offices in decades. I am sorry if you hate that fact, but it's still a fact.

The most un-popular candidate ever, kicked the crap out of an icon of the other party. You don't seem to think that's all that noteworthy, and the Democrats seem to agree with you, based on what they are advocating (Keith Elison as head of the DNC).

Time will tell. 2 years after Obama was first elected, the Dems got creamed in the 2010 midterms. Let's see what happens in 2018.
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