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Old 01-11-2017, 08:56 PM   #26
Jim in CT
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Originally Posted by PaulS View Post
They don't hate racism, whether it is sessions calling someone boy or palodino, who ran for gov. on the Rep. ticket, there is a long history of racism.

Why is it that the KKK and the neo nazis celebrated Trump's win?

I guess Reps. don't "hate racism as a group".iPhone/Mobile device[/i][/size]
Sessions, when he was a district attorney, got a death penalty verdict against the head of the KKK in his state. As I said, if he is a racist, he's not a very good racist. He should have to explain his use of the word "boy". But he's from, the south, Arkansas, right?.

OK, a guy who ran unsuccessfully for governor, is representative of the party. A guy no one knows.

"Why is it that the KKK and the neo nazis celebrated Trump's win?"

For the same reason that the Communist party endorsed Hilary. Communism is responsible for tens of millions of murders in the last several decades.

Paul, I am talking about the actions, and the stated beliefs, of the leadership of each of the 2 parties. Obama loves Al Sharpton and respects Black Lives Matter. You cannot compare that to a Republican dog catcher of a small town in North Dakota.
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