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Old 01-15-2017, 10:14 AM   #1
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Join Date: Jul 2004
Location: Buxton, Maine
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Yup that is a big fact. After a damp spell its even worse. That's one of the reasons that I started weighing all my plugs and labeling them. It takes a load of work to even get plugs close. Its why I try to make sure the action is as close as I can get it by balance of design. Wood weight is based on center cut,rainy aresa,how much sun , even from 1 end of a board to the other. You can change the turned body weight by how long you soak them as it does make a difference. But how tight the grain is and how dense the wood is makes a difference on absorbsion. I'm constantly experimenting on that with the different models that I build. No easy task so I do the best and try to meet ,as close as I can what is asked for. LOL No 2 pieces of wood are the same. Even from the same tree or board.
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