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Old 01-23-2017, 09:25 AM   #21
Jim in CT
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Originally Posted by detbuch View Post
It's apparently not who he is. He's been doing this for over a year now. It got him the nomination. Then it got him the Presidency. It is, actually, very entertaining.

It exposes the social and political pimples, boils, and blisters in our "system." He's brought out the mad dogs howling at the gates--the women's march with all its ridiculous bombast; the eternally whorish Madonna; the idiotic Black Lives Matter; the self-important motion picture actors who think that because the public "believes" them when they mouth fictional scripts in movies that it will do the same when they mouth phony political talking points; the even more self-important press which has been exposed to be the biased tools which they denied being in the past; and the utterly uber-self-important politicians with their perpetually lying, hypocritical, phony selves accusing him of the foibles they have owned from time immemorial.

Even in this little irrelevant episode, when they pointed out that he was "lying" about the size of his crowd, it gave his spokespeople the opportunity to point out that in the same day one of the news agencies falsely accused him of removing the statue of MLK from some room in the white house, and another had just previously falsely stated that Rick Perry, his nominee for Energy Secretary, didn't know what that office was supposed to do.

It's going to go back and forth like this until the media is able to politically destroy him, or, if not, it will wound itself to the point that its credibility is worse than his.

As eben says, get out the popcorn.

But make no mistake, it's not just a circus performance for our enjoyment. It is the political battle to define "who we are" (as they like to say when Progressives try to paint us with their version) as a nation--a constitutional republic or a democracy; a sovereign nation or part of an overarching world order; a polity of free individuals or worker bees and dependents of the collective.

And, maybe, neither Trump nor the Press realizes that.
I don't disagree with any of that, and maybe it's time for both sides to take the gloves off so to speak, and see who we are when the bell rings.

But I don't see how it helps his cause, to give his critics (and hell, his supporters) legitimate reasons to be embarrassed.
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