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Old 01-30-2017, 12:24 PM   #41
Jim in CT
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Originally Posted by PaulS View Post
No, you are totally wrong. There is a huge difference between slowing down refugees and banning visa/greeen card users. In addition, Pres. Trump. also seems to have given preference to Christians.

So I guess I had luck in this discussion
"There is a huge difference between slowing down refugees and banning visa/greeen card users"

Please explain. Repeating your claim, isn't supporting it. I don't even know which POTUS did what in your example, I truly do not.

"Pres. Trump. also seems to have given preference to Christians."

I said that makes me uneasy. But Obama also gave preference to Christians, when he chose to only drop bombs on Muslims. Right?

At this point in time, on this planet, one religion is inspiring violent jihad. We can pretend that's not true for the sake of political correctness, or we can accept it.
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