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Old 02-02-2017, 06:35 AM   #11
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Originally Posted by piemma View Post
Guys, there's a sticky thread, which I am monitoring and updating.

Come on, it looks like a good turnout but we need MORE FOOD. If everyone chips in with one dish, we'll be fine.
Buy a pizza for Christ sake! Buy a hot dish at Dave's or Stop& Shop or where ever. Just post what you can bring in the sticky food thread.
What Paul said...fee for entrance is $10, plus something to add to the pot luck. We could use coolers, soda, appetizers, cold salads, entrees, and desserts.

I'f you're pressed for time, I'm sure the local BJ's or Stop and Shop would do fine. Some people get creative. I can get whatever you need cooked and held to it's optimum state, as well, so go nuts.

See everybody there...with food

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