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Old 02-03-2017, 10:56 AM   #100
Jim in CT
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Originally Posted by wdmso View Post
Murder ... what was Timothy McVeigh motive ?? just because it didn't have religion attached it is still terrorism

the unlawful use of violence and intimidation, especially against civilians, in the pursuit of political aims. Terrorism

terrorist leaders like Bin Laden use the parts of their religion to control their minions ,, the IRA did the same and Goverments use the counter narrative of freedom and security to justify their action and limit the freedoms they say they support
"what was Timothy McVeigh motive ?? "

Anti-federal government. Fair enough?

"just because it didn't have religion attached it is still terrorism"

Agreed 100%. McVeigh was an ultra right wing, anti federal government terrorist. People who bomb abortion clinics are Christian terrorists. But while one is too many of these kooks, there aren't a lot of them. If 1% of Muslims support jihad, that's millions and millions of them.

You seem to be making the case that there are other terrorists besides Islamic jihadists. I don't think anyone disagrees with you. But you also said the notion of Islamic jihad was a fabrication. Not true. Just because not all terrorists are Islamic, doesn't mean there's no such thing as an Islamic terrorist.
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